Business Branding

I have gotten the privilege and honor to freelance a couple of businesses and really stretch and grow my knowledge of design. Being able to take someone’s dream and vision and turn it into reality is rewarding. I also have a couple of passion projects along with some fun branding projects I created for fun!

Gossett Ag Services

A small business greenhouse owner came to me with the challenge of creating a brand for his new soil and seed business. However, he wanted both businesses to correlate and compliment each other, therefore, customers and consumers would know both businesses were under the same ownership. I followed similar patterns and colors as the already created greenhouse logo. Something modern, new, minimalistic, but make it southern Illinois.

Gossett Ag Services


GoldenBrew Coffee

The dream to combine my love for dogs and coffee is made into a reality with GoldenBrew. G.Brew has become more than a dream to me. So look out ;)

Passion Project


Grind Reserve

I have a love for coffee if you couldn’t tell. Grind Reserve was another passion project of mine. I wanted a moody, dark, cozy coffeeshop where there would be jazz music playing in the background and the most ordered drink a Cortado. The rich emerald green will always be my favorite.

Passion Project
